Monday, January 15, 2007

Smokin' Aces

We have a guest reviewer, which is nice, because I would never fork over six quid to see that pile of shit.


At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit! Yet another movie that my boyf is dribblng to see, and will inevitably rent and make me watch at some point, that is going to be a complete waste of my time.

How much do you think I'd have to pay Blockbuster to ban him from their stores?

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Chairman Peyote said...

Dang. I can tell you that after having sat across from Mr Tilesey for quite a while now he is really a remarkable scholar of this sort of bile and there is no way that this film is ever going to be good (unless they used real bullets).

Maybe you can adopt a seating configuration whereby your boyfriend watches the front of the telly and you watch the pale blue glow coming out of the back of it?

You need to get some kind of Blockbuster asbo taken out against the poor fellow, it is for his own good really.

At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, maybe just some kind of supervision order would be better - he rented Children of Men the other night (which I thought was just extraordinary), so you see, he can get it right sometimes. On the other hand, he is no longer allowed to chose films in the presence of my friend's husband - the two of them once came back from the video store with Michael Winner's 'Parting Shots' (unmitigated uber-shit starring none other than Chris Rhea. I kid you not).

At 4:55 AM, Blogger Chairman Peyote said...

I remember when that Parting Shots came out, it gave journalists the chance to use their favourite "Dire Rhea" headlines.

That gives me an idea for an exciting Michael Winner meta-vengeance film. A woman goes on a kill-crazy rampage after her partner brings back one too many Michael Winner flicks from the video shop. Starring (here is the clever bit) Michael Winner in a dress.


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