Sunday, December 03, 2006

Horrible Adverts

I have had it with these adverts. You know the ones. You pay your nine pounds, and you sit down to enjoy the flashy cinema adverts. Only - here is one warning you not to ride your motorcycle to work or you'll smash into a lamppost and never walk again. Or one saying that if you get in an unlicensed mini-cab you're going to get raped while the camera leers at your tear-streaked face and it was practically your fault anyway. Or if you're in Leeds, there's one saying that you shouldn't get drunk, because if you do you'll climb scaffolding seeking to impress girls but instead you'll plummet to either piss-stained quadraplegia or death, and girls don't find either of these things particularly attractive. By the way, hope you like the film.

If they must have these adverts, I feel they should compensate by showing short films about nice things as well. Stroke a cat, you will feel better. Drink a pint of beer and eat some chips with your fella or bird. And don't eat your lunch at your desk in winter, enjoy the sunshine, humans were built for the savannah. That will put one in a much better mood for enjoying House of 1,000 Corpses.


At 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humph! We don't get any such safety warnings in the Black Country. Clearly no-one cares if we f*ck ourselves up.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Chairman Peyote said...

I think they are picking on the wrong things. If I had my way reality tv shows would come with massive warnings saying, watching this may cause you to fart your life away as if were a particularly evanescent Japanese meal.

Maybe Dudley council are trying to turn the Black Country into a Spartan state where the weak are eliminated by motorcycle accidents, badly placed rugs and the like?


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