Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Pointless Media Speculation

If normal rules were anything to go by, then Ocean's Twelve should be shit. It's a sequel to a remake; that puts it in the same category as Three Men and a Little Lady (shit) a film so shit that not even Nimoy would direct it (even after he played Galvatron in the Transformers Movie). And Ocean's Twelve is more than two hours long - maybe I said so before here, but the optimal time to sit through shit has been proved to be 90 minutes.

On the other hand, Ocean's Eleven (good) made a virtue of being pointless, so Ocean's Twelve could manage the same trick. I just pray for one thing: that Steven Soderberg doesn't decide to make Solaris II - The Catatonics. That would be more than I could take.

Solaris (the remake) is good by the way. The original is shit. Sorry, I did try to like it.


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