Saturday, August 19, 2006

Office Space

This wasn't a big hit in the cinema, but it has had an enormous DVD afterlife, and I can see why. I definitely wouldn't want to go out on a Friday night and watch a film about working in a shit job and how much it sucks, especially if I was working in said shit job. But I would be quite happy to slouch on my unhygenic sofa in a miasma of despair and make sardonic nose-laughs of recognition at the same material. Actually, it is pretty funny, and it has proper swearing in it (including a discussion of the relative merits of soi-disant resort jails, versus Federal 'ass-pounding' jails), so that is nice. It's directed by Mike Judge, who made King of the Hill, and Beavis and Butthead (note that the Beavis and Butthead movie is hilarious and I've seen it about 6 times), but this is more like The Monkey Wrench Gang for all the slaves rowing the big IT trireme.

Disturbingly enough, Jennifer Aniston is in this movie yet it is still good. Surely now that humanity has got to the stage where we can not merely think of the Poincare Conjecture, but we can actually prove it, surely we should be able to account for a discrepancy in the fabric of the universe like Ms Aniston appearing in a movie that doesn't completely eat it raw? The normal prize of out-dated racing tips applies to anyone who can furnish an even remotely rational explanation for this.


At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked The Good Girl, although everything she has done since has largely been arse-gravy. This leads me to conclude that either a) she has a rubbish agent who insists on flogging the 'Friends' horse until there's nothing left but a greasy smear, or b) she is biding her time until she has amassed enough cash and influence to stage a Clooney-esque transformation into a producer/director/actor of quirky and/or worthy films (peppered with the odd stinker, just to keep her hand in).

Or it could just have been a fluke.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Chairman Peyote said...

Dear Lala -

It could be just a coincidence, but I think that's what they want you to think. I am of the opinion that Aniston (or, to give her her proper name, Jennifer Hitler) is involved in a huge conspiracy to take over the world through the medium of shit films. Judging by her output, she will achieve complete galactic supremacy by the middle of 2007. This will happen. The cellar of One Word Movie towers is already full of shotguns and tins of tuna. I advise you all to do the same.


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