Sunday, September 24, 2006


Sorry for the interruption in service, I have been having a break in the Alps, very nice it was too and you really should go to Turin, etc. On the other hand, I can also recommend Crank to you, it is rather more violent than Turin but with fewer Fiats. In this film Jason Statham has been injected with the Beijing Mix, an nasty drug that forces him to stay over-excited or die. Golly, it is a good thing for him that he lives in LA and not Amersham, perhaps. Our Jase achieves the necessary levels of stimulation mostly through a) seeking vengeance and b) swearing a lot, because this is one of those films where a typical line of dialogue is permed from the phrases "fuck" "fuck you" "you fuck" "motherfucker" "motherfucking", and "wanker" on account of Statham is a Brit. But it’s not just entertaining for the dialogue, the whole thing is fresh and Statham mysteriously carries it off, despite not appearing hard at all, and having a eerie resemblance to a mildly vexed bollock. In sumary, this film is good, and more importantly, a lot better than Snakes on a Plane. If you are getting bored with the popcorn movies, next time I will review some arty films, thank you.


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